2025-2028 Election Results

Local Union 1357

IBEW 1357 Executive Board

Kelepona Leo



2022 AFL-CIO General Endorsements

Aloha United Way

Latest News & Events

  • Business Manager's Report

    Business Manager-Financial Secretary Troy Benevides discusses the current state of Union business. The current Business Manager's report is available to members on the Locals APP. If you need help accessing the App, please call the union office.

  • Per Capita Increase

    We have two types of dues increases coming up in 2023. One is tied to the 3% Hawaiian Telcom general wage increase which takes effect January 15, 2023, and therefore affects HT employees only. The other is the result of several amendments to Article IX of the IBEW Constitution, approved by the delegates of the 40th IBEW International Convention. Effective January 1, 2023, there will be an increase of two dollars ($2.00) for "A" member contributions to the IBEW Pension Benefit Fund (PBF). The following rates apply to the international office portion of all monthly dues payments for January 2023 and thereafter:

    "A" Member "BA" Member "FP" Fee Payer
    PER CAPITA: $22.00 $22.00 $22.00
    PENSION FUND: $21.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable
    TOTALS: $43.00 $22.00 $22.00

    For your reference and information, all of the rate changes that were approved at the 40th International Convention are summarized below:

    EFFECTIVE DATE: 1/1/2023 7/1/2024 1/1/2025 7/1/2025
    PER CAPITA: $22.00 $23.00 $23.00 $24.00
    PENSION FUND: $21.00 $21.00 $23.00 $23.00
    TOTALS: $43.00 $44.00 $46.00 $47.00

    Dues tied to 3% HT general wage increase:
    Union dues are based on members' straight-time hourly rate of pay (Article IX of Local Union 1357 Bylaws). Whenever a member's hourly rate of pay increases, his/her dues assessment increases accordingly. The 3% HT general wage increase takes effect on January 15, 2023. Dues adjustments become effective on the first pay period following the adjustment.